twitvim.vim でリプライがあった場合に growl で通知できたらいいなぁという思いつきで試してみた。vim の ruby サポートを利用して、
vim → ruby → ruby-growl(gem) → growl
function s:growl() ruby <<EOF require 'ruby-growl' g = "localhost", "ruby-growl", ["ruby-growl Notification"] g.notify "ruby-growl Notification", "It Came From Ruby-Growl", "Greetings!" EOF endfunction call s:growl()
うまいこといった。最初は meow を試したけど、MacVim のアイコンが Dock にもう一つ現れてぴょんぴょん跳ね続けるし、スクリプトを実行した MacVim 自体が応答なくなって強制終了しないといけないしでダメだった。
require 'ruby-growl' g = "localhost", "ruby-growl", ["ruby-growl Notification"] g.notify "ruby-growl Notification", "It Came From Ruby-Growl", "Greetings!"uneval in JavaScript shell, Keycastr, ruby-growl, Maglev and Rubinius
Growl のネットワーク設定の参考
Here’s how to fix that on OS X 10.5 1. Go to System Preferences and click Growl 2. Choose Network 3. Check ‘Listen for incoming notifications’ 4. Check ‘Allow remote application registration’. Don’t worry about setting a password for now. 5. Run the above script and you should see a Growl alert 6. You should now be able to uncheck ‘Allow remote application registration’ and it will still workGetting ruby-growl to work