GitLab の API をコマンドラインで叩けるツール。
gitlab user create --email [email] --username [username] --name [name] --password [password] --confirm no
—confirm = no
を指定すると認証をスキップする- update 時に指定すると変更されないっぽい (gitlab の引数リストには出てくるけど API ドキュメントには乗ってない)
pip install python-gitlab
[global] default = somewhere ssl_verify = true timeout = 5 [somewhere] url = private_token = vTbFeqJYCY3sibBP7BZM [elsewhere] url = private_token = CkqsjqcQSFH5FQKDccu4 timeout = 1
User creation
Creates a new user. Note only administrators can create new users.
POST /usersParameters:
User creation
- email (required) - Email
- password (required) - Password
- username (required) - Username
- name (required) - Name
- skype (optional) - Skype ID
- linkedin (optional) - LinkedIn
- twitter (optional) - Twitter account
- website_url (optional) - Website URL
- projects_limit (optional) - Number of projects user can create
- extern_uid (optional) - External UID
- provider (optional) - External provider name
- bio (optional) - User's biography
- admin (optional) - User is admin - true or false (default)
- can_create_group (optional) - User can create groups - true or false
- confirm (optional) - Require confirmation - true (default) or false
User modification
Modifies an existing user. Only administrators can change attributes of a user.
PUT /users/:idParameters:
User modification
- email - Email
- username - Username
- name - Name
- password - Password
- skype - Skype ID
- linkedin - LinkedIn
- twitter - Twitter account
- website_url - Website URL
- projects_limit - Limit projects each user can create
- extern_uid - External UID
- provider - External provider name
- bio - User's biography
- admin (optional) - User is admin - true or false (default)
- can_create_group (optional) - User can create groups - true or false