basyura's blog


Sequel: The Database Toolkit for Ruby (v3.7.0)


Sequel provides thread safety, connection pooling and a concise DSL for constructing database queries and table schemas.

Sequel: The Database Toolkit for Ruby (v3.7.0)

スレッドセーフなコネクションプーリングとDB 並びにテーブルスキーマを容易に構築するための DSL を提供します。

Sequel also includes a lightweight but comprehensive ORM layer for mapping records to Ruby objects and handling associated records.

Sequel: The Database Toolkit for Ruby (v3.7.0)

軽量ですが、Ruby オブジェクトへの変換や関連レコード操作のための ORM が組み込まれています。

Sequel supports advanced database features such as prepared statements, bound variables, stored procedures, master/slave configurations, and database sharding.

Sequel: The Database Toolkit for Ruby (v3.7.0)

プリペアドステートメント・束縛変数・ストアドプロシジャ・マスタ/スレーブ構成・database sharding といった先進的な機能をサポートしています。

Sequel makes it easy to deal with multiple records without having to break your teeth on SQL.

Sequel: The Database Toolkit for Ruby (v3.7.0)


Sequel currently has adapters for Amalgalite, ADO, DataObjects, DB2, DBI, Firebird, Informix, JDBC, MySQL, ODBC, OpenBase, Oracle, PostgreSQL and SQLite3.

Sequel: The Database Toolkit for Ruby (v3.7.0)

Amalgalite, ADO, DataObjects, DB2, DBI, Firebird, Informix, JDBC, MySQL, ODBC, OpenBase, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite3 のアダプタが有ります。